• Bespoke Electronics •
Analogue, Digital, VHDL
• Bespoke Software •
C++, C, Assembler
• Consultancy •
• Software •
• Competitive•
Fixed Price,
Daily Rate,

As director I will personally be designing and overseeing all aspects of the work you put with Full Circuit, my electronics engineering company. I am a retired chartered electronics engineer with over 25 years experience in the design of electronics and software, including in the harsher industrial environment, as well as more specialist expertise in railway electronics and analysis. You can also can also find me listed on the linked-in, among others.
The company is located in Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK, which lies between Bristol, Bath and Swindon, on the south-west side of the south of England (tel: 01249 720161). However, it is not limited to consultancy just in this area and has done work for companies as far afield as the USA and Australia. More details of expertise and experience can be found under the profile menu above.
Prices are competitive so please ask for a quote. Prices can be fixed for a well defined job, by the day for jobs that are more unknown or a combination of the two. Working for a percentage of sales or similar arrangement might also be considered. But, when comparing Full Circuit's day rate (should you opt for that) it is important to consider Full Circuit's history of "Right 1st Time" designs and the wealth of experience which results in a far shorter design cycle (a silicon valley hiring company advise their customers that offering 20% more will bring it 30% more applicants, and those 30% will be 2-3 times more productive).
Also on the menu to the left are the company's freeware software offering, Test Bench Tool and some useful utilities like printer changer, to-do list, and calendar.
- None of the software is adware or spyware.
- Email addresses will not be revealed to other parties.
- Note: Company published email is aggressively spam filtered so please use the more reliable contact form (or phone of course).
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